A new fund for a new future

New Theory Ventures is an evergreen fund and venture catalyst investing in women and diverse founders, bolstering innovative brands, and supercharging new theories to market.

"As a non-white female founder, I've been underfunded, underrepresented, and underestimated. I started New Theory Ventures to invest in women and diverse founders shaping the new landscape of success, because the data is clear: when new voices are amplified, both purpose and profits soar."

- Nikki Eslami, Founder and CEO

what is new theory?

The Rebuilding of the economic order so that purpose and profit compound.

New Theory is an evergreen fund and venture catalyst bolstering the goodness and must-have innovation of founders and their brands. It is the commitment to profit that funds purpose, and purpose that creates profit.

what needs to change?

Only 1.9 percent of venture capital went to women founders in 2022.

Black and Latino founders received just 2.6 percent of venture funding in 2020.


New Theory Ventures amplifies and accelerates founders on the forefront of change through four targeted tiers of investment.

New Theory

Helping early-stage founders scale game-changing ideas through strategic seed funding to propel innovation and early growth.


Committing guidance and capital to brands with proven product market fit to provide a strategic jet-pack for viability and expansion.


Incubating brands with financing, branding, structural guidance, and supply chain connections at pivotal moments in their growth.


Disrupting the philanthropic model by shifting power back to the women and local leaders on the frontlines of social and environmental change.



Nikki Eslami has a history of creating and investing in brands that reshape industry and drive impact. In 2012, Nikki co-founded BELLAMI alongside co-founder Julius Salerno. Over the last decade, they scaled the brand to become the largest and fastest growing hair extension company in the world. BELLAMI was also among the first to pioneer innovative ways to engage communities through influencer marketing before it was a developed industry. In 2022, BELLAMI was acquired by industry leader Beauty Industry Group (BIG) who is backed by L Catterton, a move that will guide the brand into its next phase of growth and expand its reach to continue to meet the diverse hair needs of women.

As a young female founder at the helm of hair brand BELLAMI, Nikki experienced firsthand how vastly underrepresented, underestimated, and underfunded women and diverse founders are in the business world, particularly when it comes to venture capital. To shift power and reimagine the landscape, Nikki built New Theory Ventures, a venture capital firm driving capital to women and diverse founders at the helm of impact-forward and innovative companies across beauty, wellness, food, lifestyle, and technology. In 2022, she partnered with Gwen Stefani to launch GXVE Beauty. Through New Theory Ventures, Nikki is also an investor in Babylon Micro-Farms, Ceremonia, Female Invest, iNNBEAUTY Project, Neat Burger, Sourse, and Thirteen Lune. Through New Theory Ventures, she founded and serves as the CEO of Wild Elements, the creator of IN + ON bodyCARE. Wild Elements uses innovative, planet-friendly methods designed IN nature, based ON science in an effort to regenerate mind, body and planet.

Nikki is a Cosmetic Executive Women (CEW) Achiever Award Recipient and Honoree, a Trustee of  Environmental Defense Fund, and a member of the Vital Voices Impact Fund Collective.